
In collaboration with the Society of Fine Arts and Post Datum.
The Third Quarter, 2020.

JUNCTURES describes the moment where two parts find a likeness whilst intersecting. It can be a meeting point, a collision or the collection of ideas within a space. Whether harmonious, in unison, or resulting in a violent overlap (nexus), a juncture ultimately represents the realisation of a connection.

JUNCTURES is a collaborative exhibition between the Queensland University of Technology's Post Datum and the University of Queensland's SoFA (Society of Fine Arts). Originating from a juncture themselves, this collaborative exhibition investigates where, how and why we connect, including where we miss-connect, disconnect or simply don’t connect. Artists operate from within there own practice to explore how their own work can stimulate or emulate junctures, in particular between artist, audience member and gallery space.


What Constitutes the Familiar?

